Whatcha Gonna Do? The Hulk Hogan Movie Podcast

51 - When Our Surgical Mask Still Hangs around Our Neck



Friends, last week we left you with ol’ Randy just looking an awful sight.  His poor old neck had been broken so loudly that it silenced a screaming crowd.  And rather than calling the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and getting the sweet boy in an ambulance, a couple of no-goods just loaded him up in their car.  And rather than driving the boy gently down the road and dropping him off at a local hospital to convalesce, these skunks took him over to Ripper’s gym and threw him out of a moving car.  And rather than Randy just letting go and embracing the sweet release of sleep or the sweet release of death, this exhausted young man was forced into a conversation with Ripper while he choked, sputtered, and, ultimately, convulsed.  It was just a sorry affair all the way around. But don’t worry, folks, this Randy is one tough kid, and he made it through.  In fact, this week opens in the hospital, Randy in the O.R., Ripper in the throes an existential crisis.  This is not only a powerful moment in the script b