High Pathetically With Will Noonan

HP CROSSOVER - "The South Shore Boyz Podcast #60"



In this HP Crossover Will is a guest on "The South Shore Boyz" podcast with the boyz themselves : Dan Hall (@DanWillHall), Logan O'Brien (@logieobie), and Tyler Swain (@TylerSwainsLife).  Boston comedy has not had a comedy faction in a while but the South Shore Boyz are three really funny guys and this is really funny podcast. There are some minor audio problems here and there but they pass quickly. Follow and check out The Boyz at one of their many shows around Boston. More on Will at willnoonan.com NEW : Now available on Spotify Donate $ to HP via PayPal at www.paypal.me/WillNoonan TOP DONATOR : Mark McNabb $200 Find Will and High Pathetically on the LAUGHABLE APP in the iTunes store Will’s comedy albums “Mental Willness (2016)” and “Surpriso! (2011)” are both available on iTunes, Amazon and any place digital music and comedy are sold. Follow and WATCH Will on Twitch at twitch.tv/willnoonan E-mail Will at willnoonan.com/contact Twitter: @willnoonan Instagram: @willnoonanthecomedian Snapchat: realwillnoonan