New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

Susann Taylor Shier interviewed by Darius Barazandeh



This is astounding - feel this soul activation with an intuitive channel to get your answers! Discover the answers to your burning questions: Who am I? What are my gifts? What am I here to do? This session with Susann opens the door to find the missing piece you are looking for! Join highly established and gifted international best-selling author, speaker, and intuitive channel, Susann Taylor Shier, for Your Purpose Revealed: Access Your Soul Blueprint to Activate your Spirit's Wealth. Susann will do actual readings for listeners and offer a group energy exercise to support you! In this special session with Susann you will develop the resources you need to activate the power of authentic, soul level fulfillment, move resolutely to your destiny, create the life you love and engage in it wholeheartedly, connect with your intuitive guidance as your natural GPS for daily clarity, wisdom, and unconditional supportive love, develop the skill of soulful manifestation and magnify the embodiment of your spirit's wealt