New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh



Find out all of these breakthroughs... TRUTHS! Derek is back to personally answer your questions. Darius says "The most POWERFUL call I've even been on...Derek...SHIFTED the Planet". Join Derek Rydall for a personal Q&A The Real Secret: How to End the Struggle of Self Improvement and Magical Prayer! In this personal Q&A, Derek will share incredible **release and awakening** processes and you will discover the missing link to why some programs and processes don't work, experience a rapid process for activating more wealth and healing energy, avoid the 'unattractive side' of the 'law of attraction', learn the most powerful prayer for accelerating your spiritual awakening, learn how to create the life of your matter what! Listen now - WARNING: this call will shift your paradigm quickly. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to: