New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

Panache Desai Q&A with Darius Barazandeh



This is going to be an evolutionary carapult to your own awakening! Experience this vibrational transformation session! Join Panache Desai for a new process and clearing call Igniting Boundless Receiving: A Vibrational Solution for a Life of Limitless Possibilities. PLEASE NOTE: Panache will be sharing some incredible new processes! In this session with Panache you will experience new clearings and awakenings, a direct and vibrational 'uplink' to Universal consciousness, Panache will reveal vibrational tools on the session to dissolve trapped imprints, you will feel nourished, inspired, and empowered to access revolutionary insights, receive a life altering energy transmission to restore your natural state of being. Download the vibration that resonates with a life filled with your natural abundance. Accept this gift of your power! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to: