New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

DaKara Kies interviewed by Darius Barazandeh



Experience an activation of the Heart Point Technique and unlock your "receiving power"! Join DaKara Kies for Relinquishing Struggle: Stepping Into Your Radiance. DaKara specializes in releasing core patterns that are holding you back in life, and releasing the pain of this life, past lives, childhood and ancestral lines with laser intuitive vision. Her intuitive ingenuity and savvy business acumen, guides and directs her clients in moving forward, hanging their shingle and standing in the truth of the essence of who they are and why they are on this beautiful planet at this time. In this session with DaKara, you will get a live healing and transformation using the Heart Point Technique, end the energy of struggle, remove an 'implantor device' that is anchoring struggle into your life, activate the part of your brain that is pre-programmed to shine and radiate, step into your energy of flow so you can flourish! Get ready for a new and amazing frequency! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to: http