Turning Inward With Dr. Vivian Carrasco

Raising Your Awareness + Developing Insight



Do you realize that you're actually much smarter than you think you are? Would you like to find out why, or how you can come to see that for yourself? Then join Vivian today and learn about how you can go about raising your awareness and developing your insight.     Today, Vivian talks about the Five Day Experience that she hosted in January and has now made available for you on her website. She describes it as a slow drip of daily insight to bring awareness to the fact that you're smarter than you think you are. She discusses what she leads you through in it and that the core intention is not one of self-help because you're not broken. She also discusses how, after a transformational process, people have a tendency to go back to logic and looking for facts, like trying to figure out a maths problem- and that's just not the way that it works. So, slow down, listen in and learn about how you can tap into your own inner wisdom, by becoming aware of what's going on in and around you. You're going to love this sh