

Winter 2015 Season Two Episode 1 Exploring the question, What is Time?   1:50 Time is our only non-renewable resource   2:29 Time is critical in the here and now   6:00 Past, present, and future as it relates to time   8:07 We don’t explore enough as human beings   9:15 Rob Bell: What we talk about when we talk about God, excerpt from page 79 & 80   ...subatomic particles, which, we've learned, disappear in once place and appear in another place without traveling the distance in between.    ...subatomic particles travel all possible paths and then choose one when observed, and there is no precedent for such a thing.    9:50 How you react in the present defines your future   11:00 Using Love_being_Human as a tool   13:35 Living in the present   Vivian’s 50 words she was asked to write when she was preparing to cross the stage to accept her Doctorate in May 2009:   As I make my way across this stage, taking the final steps towards this commencement, I celebrate this journey as I begin another but I also pau