Writer's Bagel Basket

Ep. 86: The Critic - "Pilot" (Guest Co-Host MY WIFFFEEE!!!)



Hayleigh was such a good sport and for that, she's being rewarded with the Jon Lovitz starring cartoon "The Critic." They go deep into the history of the show, the plight of Jay Sherman, and how this show was before its time. Listen to Invasion of the Remake here: https://radiopublic.com/invasion-of-the-remake-podcast-8XANe5 Thank you to DJ QUADS FOR THE TRACK USE OF LIVING IN STEREO. Follow us on twitter @wrtrbagelbskt, like us on our facebook page, and you can email the boys at writersbagelbasket@gmail.com with questions, shows or movies to watch, and fan art of the shows they're doing. Don't forget to like us on the Facebook too. Instagram is another way to find us too @writersbagelbasket, follow us it's fun!