Writer's Bagel Basket

Ep. 46: "Waterworld"



Scott & Dwight are talking about one of the most expensive films ever made, "WATERWORLD." They're talking Costner, Hopper, and Jean Triplehorn or as we call her in the basket "J TRIPLE-H." Find out why Scott hates the film and Dwight tolerates it!!! Check out Dwight's other podcast "No Refunds." (http://norefundspodcast.com/) Also check out Scott's podcast "Kurland On Film." (https://soundcloud.com/kurlandonfilm/) Follow us on twitter @wrtrbagelbskt, like us on our facebook page, and you can email the boys at writersbagelbasket@gmail.com with questions, shows or movies to watch, and fan art of the shows they're doing. Don't forget to like us on the Facebook too. Credit to DJ Quads for providing Living Stereo (The music in the theme)