Inside The Pylon Quick Kicks Podcast

Quick Kicks February 26, 2016 - NFL Combine Replacement Events



The NFL Scouting Combine is upon us and although we are not in Indianapolis watching the Underwear Olympics, we have out eyes trained on the midwest as the event unfolds. The February 26 Quick Kicks Podcast features hosts Mark Schofield and Chuck Zodda attempting to turn the Combine from the butt of many Twitter jokes to an event that can actually provide meaningful data for NFL teams. To do this, they recommend several changes to the current format. Topics this show include: -Replacing the bench press with the hang clean or power clean as a better measure of overall functional strength (3:49) -Utilizing the squat in addition to a clean test as a way to gauge a prospect's lower-body strength in a functional movement (5:54) -Requiring events aside from lifting to be done in full pads in order to better simulate game conditions (6:45) -The inclusion of pass skeleton as a way to see more from quarterbacks than simply throwing individual routes (8:27) -Additional timed position-specific drills for linebackers an