Inside The Pylon Quick Kicks Podcast

Quick Kicks February 18, 2016 - Breaking Down NFL Draft QB Prospect Christian Hackenberg



The NFL Draft continues to inch closer, and we start to dig into some greater depth on potential picks as we head towards draft day. Mark Schofield and Chuck Zodda take an extended look at Penn State QB Christian Hackenberg in the February 18 Quick Kicks Podcast, giving listeners a chance to see the evolution of the young signal-caller over the course of his career in Happy Valley. Topics this show include: -The major reasons for the shift in Hackenberg's production over the course of his career and the key areas in which he regressed (1:15) -The areas in which Hackenberg appears least comfortable and the types of issues that have cropped up in the last two years (3:03) -Whether or not there are any current or recent NFL quarterbacks who saw a similar regression at the college ranks and still were able to become productive quarterbacks at the pro level (5:22) -The inevitable rumors tying Hackenberg to Bill O'Brien in Houston and whether or not there is any merit to the stories that continue to pop up (8:05)