Planet Prana Yoga & Meditation Podcast

{PPP7} loving kindness meditation



loving kindness meditation | love yourself and forgive others Hello listeners! The practice of cultivating loving kindness is powerful beyond measure. If you doubt yourself, judge yourself and others, have a short temper, no time for annoying people, or feel you can't relate to others very well, then this mediation is for you. Repeat this meditation often to help shift your perception about the world around you towards love and compassion for all beings. I promise you will see and feel so many positive changes in your life and the lives of many when such a shift is made. It only takes one person to lead in a movement of loving kindness and compassion creating ripples of sweet vibrations out into the world around you. Try it and see. It is my honor and privilege to guide you in your practice. Thank you for practicing with me today! Peace & Oms, Zen Jenn