The Hunt Backcountry Podcast

MM 69 | Google Earth Tricks, Shot Routines, Ballistic Reticles, and more...



Steve & Mark answer your questions on archery shot routines, custom ballistic reticles, quality of roads for elk hunting, and more. You'll also hear about "impressively stupid" questions from hunters. We also discuss some listener tips about using Google Earth and other resources for satellite imagery. As mentioned in the show, check out Google Earth Engine ( and use the "Add data" function to explore data overlays. Suggested data layers include "Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 1 8-Day TOA Reflectance Composite" available under "8-day mosaics". Once you load that into your workspace you can scroll through dates and change the opacity (among other things). Another imagery solution to explore is NASA's Worldview at Have a question for the show? Let us know...