Second Shot With Heath Oakes

She Lost Seven Figures Worth of Business and Built It Back Up | Second Shot Sit-Downs #2



"I didn't always know what to do. I just knew I could find a solution." From the outside, you might have thought that Kathy Fielder had it all. From starting a business at a young age to doing millions of dollars in the design business. Then a recession hit, and things like home decor and home goods weren’t in the budget anymore. What pulled her through the low points? What was the big gamble that kept her in business to this day? How did she feel when she couldn't even fulfill a tiny request from her daughter? Learn more at or follow her on Instagram @KathyFielder Second Shot Sit-Downs is an in-depth look at the people who inspire us, from your friends at Second Shot! This interview series is meant to highlight the types of people we talk about on the show: the people who really embody that idea of taking a Second Shot at business, at relationships, at life.