Nz Radio Training School

“Tae paakoro mai” - unique idioms of Ngā Rauru, Whanganui & Taranaki



Kīwaha? What is it and why is it so important to the survival of the Māori language? Professor Wharehuia Milroy describes kīwaha as a unique language expression derived from the personal learning experience of the author during an event. It may make no sense to anyone else but the author, their immediate family, or people. Kīwaha can be termed as an informal language tool, slang or idiom that expresses the emotional state of a speaker. In support of the revitalisation of the Māori language, we have selected 10 kīwaha from Ngā Rauru, Whanganui and Taranaki. These are all presented using our Māori language and our special mita (rhythm). That is the “h” is not strongly enunciated when Taranaki, Whanganui and Ngā Rauru speak. Today’s kīwaha is “Tae paakoro mai” Its English equivalent is, to arrive dragging one’s boots, or to arrive looking tired or burdened with something E hoa kua tae mai taku mokopuna? Āe tahi no aia ka tae paakoro mai. “My friend has my grandson arrived yet?” “Yes, he just arrived lo