So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

088: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Dave Snyder



Dave Snyder is an advanced eBay SEO consultant and creator of the Listing SEO Score (SM). He has been providing hands-on optimization services and leading eBay marketing strategies to select sellers since 2013 at Dave and his wife, Heather, have been selling on eBay at since 2009. Prior to selling on eBay, Dave was a commercial, industrial, and residential property tax consultant for a firm in the Chicago Loop. Combining his love for eBay and natural bent towards analysis, Dave has become the eBay SEO expert of choice to sellers large and small. Interesting Notes After college, Dave got himself a job as a commercial tech analyst. He got the job because of the reputation of the school he got from. He also did a job as property tax consultant but found it boring. His wife nudged him to look at working for himself because that is what he wants to do. So they began selling on eBay. They started selling with his wife's handmade things. But, they realized that it would take fo