Everyday Ayurveda And Yoga At Hale Pule

Exploring the Gurvadi Gunas: Wet (Snigdha) and Dry (Ruksha)



Our modern lifestyles tend towards dryness.  Factors like artificial heat, air conditioning, travel, and consuming food that lacks moisture all create imbalance. In this episode, Myra offers Ayurvedic practices for nourishing the body with more oil and water, including:- How to age gracefully- How to balance vata dosha and stay hydrated by cooking with oil and water- How to counterbalance the drying effects of travelThanks for tuning in to the Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule podcast. If this series inspires you to live a more holistic and balanced lifestyle, check out Hale Pule's transformative new Live Ayurveda & Yoga app now available in the app store. The app offers the tools you need to support your well-being, including:Instructional Ayurveda and Yoga videosExclusive recipesPodcastsGuided meditationsMyra's books - Simple Ayurvedic Recipes (e-book) and Freedom in Your Relationship with Food (audiobook)Professional Ayurveda trainingsYou can also connect with Myra and the Hale Pule tea