Everyday Ayurveda And Yoga At Hale Pule

Swadhyaya: Creating lasting change from a place of honesty



Swadhyaya is the practice of self-study. By shining the light inwards you get to know the real motivation for your actions. When you are honest with yourself about why you act, you can better understand your decision-making process and your outcomes.  In this way, you can choose to act based on healthy motives and create lasting change in your life.Thanks for tuning in to the Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule podcast. If this series inspires you to live a more holistic and balanced lifestyle, check out more of what Myra and the team have to offer at Hale Pule Ayurveda & Yoga. You can also connect with Myra over at the refreshing Spark your Intuition meditation series, and on Instagram.