Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

BONUS: Learn from My Fitness Failures & Food Mistakes So You Can Skip the Potholes and Knockout those Setbacks! Plus, 5 Uncommon Tips.



Today, you’re going to learn the top 5 fitness failures and food mistakes I made when I made fitness and food my life! Some of them may seem counterintuitive and illogical. But we know that the culture of the world screams at us to chase “instant” and “overnight” success. Sisters, that is a big red flag since we know that what we look like on the outside is not our aim on this side of Heaven. I need to make a mention that as Christ-followers, we get to pursue health from the inside out (heart, soul, mind, and body). My main goal in this episode is to increase your awareness and keep your heart sensitive to how the world’s desire is for you to conform to its patterns. My second goal is to encourage you to keep making small steps toward keeping your mind and body strong so you can serve those around you. Worthy Reminder: When it comes to setting fitness and weight loss goals (as a Christian woman) the goal is to be spirit-led versus self-led. Enjoy the episode and learn from my fitness failures and food mistake