The Tome Show

Toddeus Comes and Toddeus Goes (DnDeBrief 021)



D&DeBrief episode 021 - Toddeus Comes and Toddeus Goes Summary: What can an aged goat tell the party about an ancient magical book? The Book of Proofs has finished its evaluation so the group calls on Toddeus to help them decipher the coded proof. The group makes chilling realizations about the fate of the Common Plateau and the origins of Blaxley - they have learned more than they bargained for! Debrief: In an effort to keep releases fast and fun, DnDeBrief is switching to a new podcast format of 1-hour episodes. As a result, this episode has no debrief. The team is working on a way to get 15 minutes of debrief in every episode! Stay Tuned! Maps & Images:  Island Chain where Trastenfen is located: Map of the Gormer Chain The region to the West of Trastenfen: Map of West Region Image of the eye symbol seen on the tunics of the sailors: Eye Symbol Image of the eye symbol with longer tentacles on the stems: Eye Symbol Extended Image of the Hokka by @ArtKaree: Hokka  Links: DMSamuel on Twitter: