The Tome Show

Darkport By Night, Raven's Delight (DnDeBrief 015)



D&DeBrief episode 015 - Darkport By Night, Raven's Delight Summary: Axley and Marcel decide to investigate the Curiosity to try and find out how fast it can travel. They stumble upon a blue goblin infestation on the island and rush back to the village to tell everyone about their findings. Meanwhile, Khonnos and Emmeryn meet with the Hokka people to discuss their plans. Upon hearing news of the goblins, Khonnos instructs them to destroy the threat while he goes with Axley, Marcel, and Emmeryn to fight a different foe. The group then departs the island and tests the ability of the Curiosity to travel between planes. They find themselves in a darker place with different rules of behavior and a price to pay. They meet the corrupt town guards and Axley makes a brazen attempt at deception. Finally, they figure out where they are supposed to go, and it is larger than they thought! How are they going to get in there? Debrief: This episode we discuss Player Knowledge vs Character Knowledge. Also... How does a D