The Tome Show

Loose Lips Almost Sink Ships (DnDeBrief 007)



D&DeBrief episode 007 - Loose Lips Almost Sink Ships Summary: This session the PCs have a few heart-to-heart talks with each other as they sail back to Trastenfen. Once back in town they present Ulgrat the Dockwatch Officer with the gargantuan crab. Emmeryn goes to see her father while the rest of the group finds out that the crew is spreading tales of defeating enormous crabs and telling the townsfolk that a half-crab-man is on board the ship. Can they find a map with the location of the library? Can they convince Ulgrat NOT to make crab stew out of the gargantuan crustacean? Can they stop the sailors from spreading elaborate rumors? Do they get Leukanius to the Temple without being discovered? Debrief: The team ends the episode with discussion of where to go next and then, after a few technical difficulties, we discuss how divine spellcasting works and which spells the cleric gets to choose from when they prepare their spells each adventuring day. Maps & Images:  Island Chain where Trastenfen is