Legacy Christian Academy Podcast

LCA PEP Talk featuring Dan Martin presented by LCA Student Services



As parents, we all dread it. The “sex talk.” But is the “sex talk” really the best approach to take with your kids? What would it look like to have an ongoing conversation about sex with them instead? Join us for our next PEP Talk as Dan Martin of pureHOPE tackles the subject of talking to your children about sex. Dan will teach you how to confidently communicate God’s story of sex through an age-appropriate, ongoing dialogue with your kids, and, as intimidating as it may seem, even become their “go-to-person” on this topic! And there’s more! After the presentation is over, all who sign up will receive a link for access to a bonus pre-recorded seminar, “Navigating our Sexualized, Digital Age.” In this extra presentation, Dan and others from pureHOPE will provide a five-point strategy for managing technology use in the home in a healthy, godly way. The world is not waiting until they're "ready." Your kids are already being educated about sex. Don't you want that education to come from you?