Suze Orman's Women & Money Show

Ask Suze (and KT) Anything: April 29, 2021



On this edition of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Anthony, Nancy, Nina, Beth, Jasmine, Gayle, Shirley, Dan & Diane, Monica and Emily, selected and read by KT.   This week’s questions: If I rollover a ROTH 401(k) into a ROTH IRA a year before I retire, does that five year clock start again? Am I able to claim property left to me by my late husband (11 years ago) as an inheritance when I sell it? How can I take $100,000 I’ve saved and turn it into $5,000 a month of steady income? I only have joint bank accounts with my husband.  Can I get my own credit card? We are financially solid and have no debt.  Should we support our 13 year old son, who wants to be an artist? In what order should I withdraw from my retirement accounts? At 69 years of age, should I get rid of my five Term Life Insurance policies? Should I get an indexed annuity? How much do you think the Stock Market will drop next month? If a revocable trust inherits an IRA, does the trust have to pay tax