Suze Orman's Women & Money Show

Ask Suze Anything: October 15, 2020



In this edition of Ask Suze Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners (as read by KT) Marcella, Mahala, Kelly Jo, Christi & Steve, the Boyers, Alana, Lori, Amy, and Nicole.  They ask: What advice do you have so I can get a raise at work? What type of term insurance should I get? What are the financial benefits of being married? Can we have an emergency fund in a Roth IRA? We’re three years away from retirement, should we convert some of our traditional IRA to Roth IRAs? My mother is 68 and has a whole life policy, should she change it to a term policy? Is it a good idea to continue paying my fiance rent on the home we live in but he owns after we get married, especially if my name does not go on the title? Should I have more Parent Plus loans or dip into my TSP to help pay for college education for my children? Should my husband take his early retirement as an annuity or a lump sum? To Become A Must Have Documents Suze Ambassador,CLICK HERE. JUST LAUNCHED! Join Suze’s Women & Money Comm