Suze Orman's Women & Money Show

Ask Suze Anything: October 1, 2020



In this edition of Ask Suze Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners (as read by KT) Amy, Kim, Cat, Marissa, Chris, Tim, Leigh, and Fran.  They ask: Should I continue to fund my 457b or pay down my debt? I’m not working due to the pandemic and need to pay back a loan I took out from my 401k. Should I do that in installments or in a lump sum? My husband and I are debt-free and cash-heavy. How should we invest to feel secure? How can I best retire at 55? Should I use my 401k or savings to pay off my mortgage? I lost my job due to the pandemic. Is now a good time to roll my 401k into a Roth IRA? I just retired and have 11 years left on my mortgage. Should I refinance for a slightly lower rate? What advice do you have when starting a new relationship at 62 and looking to couple finances? To Become A Must Have Documents Suze Ambassador,CLICK HERE.  JUST LAUNCHED! Join Suze’s Women & Money Community for FREE and ASK SUZE your questions which may just end up on her podcast! To ask Suze a que