Screw The Naysayers Podcast

Eps 233 Humanity Comes First | David Brier



Premiering tomorrow at 8:00 am Eastern on my Screw the Naysayers YouTube Channel and on the Screw the Naysayers Podcast! I’m joined by Branding genius David Brier. We talk branding, but David also went deep on the importance of us being human's first. We've seen the funny side of David. Tune in to take a peak into his kind soul!  Subscribe to my YouTube channel and be sure not to miss new premieres This episode is part of our mini-series on Screw the Naysayers that features returning guests who focus specifically on providing practical advice and tips to help us navigate challenging times and position ourselves for future success.  As the recipient of over 300 industry awards, David is the Creative Director of DBD International, and to use his words, his job is to help brands defy gravity and rise above the noise. A branding veteran for over three decades,David’s work has been featured in ADWEEK, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, New