Double Edged Double Bill

09: Invasion of the Battlefield Snatchers



Yes, rat brains! Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani have invaded your eardrums for another episode of Double Edged Double Bill. This week, the double features is focused on alien invasion films, the duo is going after some big titans of the topic. First, the 1978 version of the classic story Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It's got everything; goopy effects, 70s hair and Jeff Goldblum! After that, the man animals suffer through Battlefield Earth. The infamous flop that damaged the goodwill John Travolta had built post-Pulp Fiction. Good thing Gotti is bringing that back up, right? It's an episode you'll be listening to next! You're next! To stay up to date about the podcast, follow us on Twitter @DEDBpod, our Facebook page and send us feedback at! If you like the show, please go on iTunes to subscribe, rate and/or review us to give the show more visibility!