Double Edged Double Bill

08: Hurricane Veronica (2018 in a Nutshell)



2018 is at the half way point and that means it's time to reflect on the last six months. Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani have picked films released earlier in the year for this week's episode. The good film is the possession horror film Veronica from Netflix, though Adam and Thomas are arguing the level of good on display. Then, the boys dig into the forgotten disaster heist mash up Hurricane Heist to ponder why it only stayed in release for about a week in March. Was it the terrible southern accents, personification of gale force winds or just more than a few hub caps thrown in our faces? Listen to witness all the madness! Shout out to Sam Brutuxan for helping pick our double bill during the intro. To stay up to date about the podcast, follow us on Twitter @DEDBpod, our Facebook page and send us feedback at! If you like the show, please go on iTunes to subscribe, rate and/or review us to give the show more visibility!