Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

How To Avoid Music Biz Scams Part 2



In last week’s episode Blasko and Mike walked you through examples of industry scams and how to avoid them, referencing the Digital Music News article How I Got 10,000 Spotify Plays For a Totally Fake Song. This week they take on a listener’s questions and concerns based on a specific scam that was mentioned last week: So I was listening to ManageMental, Episode 47, and I believe I was almost suckered into one of the scams you and Mike were talking about. So I flew out to Denver on my own dime, and met with this dude. He and his company are interested in managing us, and have told us that they can get us tours and a deal, and endorsements, and all that good stuff. They also have an in house publicist and social media manager that would be included in their offer. They want us to pay them $10K upfront as a retainer + an $800 monthly fee. They also want us to cover any expenses they incur as a result of representing us (travel, etc.). I’m skeptical as hell on one hand, but on the other, they do have a band & a