Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Strategies For Your Live Shows



In this episode Blasko and Mike take questions from listener Brandon on where to best spend time and effort as an independent band, how to get on larger tour packages, and benefits of an agent. Read Brandon’s letter and tune in to hear Blasko and Mike weigh in! --- Hi guys,   Love the show. I found out about it a few months ago and have since managed to binge all the episodes.   #1 I play for a rather noisy, chaotic hardcore band out of Phoenix, AZ  I've found that in promoting and booking shows for the band, we can cast a small net in the niche genre and have a pretty good conversion rate for new fans. That much smaller pool of fans however often has heard of bands within a similar style and aren't always the "die hard" ones that are attending every show and buying up our merch. The opposite is going for a much wider audience where fan conversion is a hit or miss, but when it works it's usually the first time that they've heard something of our type. So my question is, being an independent band without a b