The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Losing 170 pounds with Heather Robertson (Re-Release)



Name of Expert: Heather Robertson Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: Heather struggled with weight issues since she was 7.  She continued to struggle with her weight in her 20’s, losing and gaining the same weight over and over again. She hit over 300 in 2006 when she was pregnant with her third son. Her weight loss journey started in 2012 and ultimately led to her creating the podcast ‘Half Size Me’ that helps other women who are battling weight issues too. Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: She loves monopoly.   Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: When you have an abusive situation going on it scares you. She was told one day that she would need to see someone about this and that made her feel like something was wrong with her. One of the scariest moments of her life was calling a therapist, and then the scariest moment was actually going. She believes that anything that pushes you towards something you fear is a warrior moment. Warrior They Look Up To