The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Make Fitness a Priority with Chad Austin



Chad Austin has been a personal trainer and runs his own gym in the Kansas City area for 11 years. He is an avid obstacle course enthusiast. One thing that most people don’t know about him is that he is an introvert. He learned how to overcome that to pursue his passion. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: He is 2-time world tough mudder champion. It is a 24-hour obstacle course that is crazy but he came out a warrior. Warrior They Look Up To: Kyle Maynard has a book called No Excuses. He is a paraplegic that lives his life to the most. He is an Olympian, record keeper, and so much more! Heart Of The Interview: Chad came up with the idea of this book while he was in Toastmasters. He took a poll and asked what people’s top priority in your life and overwhelmingly the answer is career and family. He was shocked to find out that fitness wasn’t a top answer. He wanted to fix that. He felt that there were a ton of excuses behind not making fitness a priority. He wrote an aweso