The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

How to Own Your Confidence & Beauty with Dorothy-Inez



  Name of Expert: Dorothy-Inez Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: Dorothy loves music and her favorite artist is Prince. She actually toured with him! In her professional life, she was in telecommunications and managed a sales team. Then at the age of 40, she decided to pursue her dream. She went to college, became a professional makeup artist, and life coach. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: Dorothy has gone through heartbreak at an early age. She was abandoned at the age of 4. She felt unloved growing up, she didn’t get along with stepmom, and never felt good enough. As a result of that, it lead to her losing her virginity at a young age in her quest to find love and acceptance. It wasn’t until she was 43 that she had her ‘aha’ moment. Warrior They Look Up To: That warrior that inspires her is her sister. Her sister moves her because she is so resilient. She became a mother as a teenager and bounced back from that to still pursue her d