The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Defeating Depression with Katie Soy (Re-Release)



Name of Expert: Katie Soy Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: I met Katie a few years ago through our amazing mentor Tiffany Bymaster aka Coach Glitter. I knew from the second I met her that there was something about her that I could relate to I felt an instant closeness. Then I learned more about her and her story and how she became a warrior and it clicked!! We have different stories but in many ways, they are the same. You can listen to my story on the How Running Saved My Life & How It Can Save Yours podcast. She and I have both battled depression but not only did she come out a warrior she came out a teacher. She teaches others how to conquer depression and learn from it. This episode is super important for those of you that are battling depression or know someone that is battling depression. If you know anyone that fighting depression then be a good friend or family member and share this with them. It could help or dare I say, save their life. Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest