The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Before Your Set Your Goals...Do This First



The clock has struck 12 and the New Year has begun. Now is the time for you to reflect on the prior year… what were some of the best moments? what were some of the worse moments? what goals did you crush? what goals crushed you? Time to take what you learned or didn’t accomplish, set new goals, and have a fresh start. I love this time of year. I love setting new goals and I love helping you achieve those goals. But before I share with you how to set goals that you will crush faster than you ever thought possible I need you to do this first.... I will reveal what it is in the podcast. Also, I will give you a very special New Year’s Eve gift to help you start your New Years off focused and excited!!!   Links To Additional Resources: Tired of the Holiday Diet Struggle Blog & Podcast 3 Days to Overcome Overwhelm Before You Set Your Goals...Do This First Fun Sheet   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyon