The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Tired of the Holiday Diet Struggle?



Link To Blog: Tired Of The Holiday Diet Struggle   Free Stuff: 10 Tips You Need to Know BEFORE You Diet   On average people gain 5-10 pounds during the holiday. How does that make you feel? Are your first thoughts...yep, that sounds right or that’s going to happen to me. Do you resign yourself to the fact that you are going to gain weight during the holidays? Do you fight it or accept it? Do you think it’s inevitable? Honestly, there are times when I really feel like it is inevitable. Holiday weight gain is avoidable, but it take you being honest with yourself. Here are my 3 ways to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain…   Links To Additional Resources: How Running Saved My Life and How it Can Save Your Podcast Tips on How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Diet at a Party Blog   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here!   I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from frustrating to fun and create the body and life y