The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

The Ugly Truth Of Social Media Shame



These are some thoughts going on inside my head: -I wish I had abs like that -I really hate my thighs, maybe those exercises will help me get rid of them -I need work harder -My body will never look like that -No matter how hard I try I never get those kinds of results -Why is it so much easier for everybody else? Are any of those true for you? They are true for me. The world of social media is an amazing world but it can also be a cruel world. I remember when I first decided to take my passion and purpose of fitness on the internet and felt horrible. I would post a simple pic of me doing a yoga pose with a quote and then go online to see other people's posts and thinking, "their abs are flatter than mine" or "why would anyone like my pic when I don't have a great butt like this girl" or "I guess I need workout harder so I can keep up these girls." Pretty soon I started feeling inferior, self-conscious, and felt like 'why bother because I can't keep up with these girls.' I was experiencing social media s