The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

How Your Mind Can Improve Your Body



Let me paint a daily scenario I have… “I need to lose weight, can you help me do that?” “Absolutely! Here is a diet plan for you to follow, that if you do, you will for sure lose weight.” “Awesome! I will totally follow this! Thank you so much!!” ———————————————Two Weeks Later——————————— “How’s it going? Have you lost any weight yet?” “No…” “How come?” “I tried to follow the diet, but I couldn’t. My sister had a birthday and there was cake. My co-workers wanted to go out for happy hour and the drinks were half off. I decided to have a cheat meal and ate a whole pizza. I just couldn’t stick to the diet.” Have you ever felt like this person? Perhaps you had the best intentions of sticking to a diet and couldn’t. Things came up, a cheat meal turned into a cheat weekend, and everything snowballed from there. I want you to know that you are like so many others that I have helped and you aren’t a failure at dieting. Dieting is 50% Mentality & 50% Habits Before I can change your diet habits, I have to change yo