Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

91: How Elsie Escobar is Moving Through the World With Curiosity as a Woman, Mom, Yogi and Podcaster



I was incredibly honoured to have interviewed one of the most prominent female voices in the Podcasting space, Elsie Escobar.  Elsie is intelligent, articulate, down to earth woman, who had so many wonderful things to say on Motherhood, Technology, and Podcasting. In this Episode Elsie and I discuss: On Motherhood how Elsie feels that being a Mom has brought her the things she needs to work on for herself why she feels the Media is behind the unrealistic perception of Balance that many women have about being a Mom  why being able to have rants on the challenges of Motherhood is healthy and cleansing On Technology why technology is simply another layer to add to our consciousness and for our kids how Elsie thinks we can use technology life-affirming ways and to help us be better why she feels that technology and podcasting is her calling On Podcasting how Elsie got turned on to Podcasting and created Elsie’s Yoga Class the uniqueness of women in the Podcasting space what she feels that Podcasting will loo