Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

80: Why Entrepreneur Carmen Jubinville Makes Quality Connection With Her Kids a Top Priority



In this Episode Carmen and I discuss: why Balance is a daily practice how her biggest challenge is not allowing herself to get maxed out the importance of being honest with our kids about being imperfect how she’s more effective as a Mom when she keeps a higher intention during tough moments with her kids why reaching out for help is so important and not feeeling you have to figure it out for yourself as a Mom Carmen’s Favourite Quote “I’ll take care of me for you if you, if you will take care of you for me. ”-Jim Rohn Top Core Values for Carmen 1. Spirituality 2. Emotional Well-Being 3. Taking responsbility for your own life Parenting Advice If you’re not okay, your kids are not okay (self-care is important!) Resources Guy Finley Website  Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 20: Is Balance Possible as a Mom?  Episode 36: Daring Greatly as a Parent with Danielle Reed Episode 69: Getting our Mama Bliss on and Simplicity Parenting with Kathy Stowell Episode 71: Why Balance is a Constantly Moving Target with Ten