Childless Not By Choice

Episode 126--She I dare not Name, A Spinster’s Meditation on Life, My Conversation with Author Donna Ward



Hello, and welcome to episode 126 of the Childless not by Choice Podcast. My mission is to recognize and speak to childless not by choice women and men around the world, reminding you that you can live a joyful, relevant, fulfilled, childless not by choice, life. I also welcome you if you are not childless not by choice. Maybe you did not want children, maybe you have children. Thank you for tuning in. What is today’s show about? Well, today we have a guest! I am so excited! But before I introduce her to you, I want to say a big thank you to my patrons! Patreon Contributors: Thank you for your monthly financial contributions to the platform. If you are not yet a patron, join the Patreon family of monthly contributors, by visiting, and set up your monthly contribution for as little as $5.00 per month! No matter your giving level, I have a gift for you!   And if you prefer to give a one-time gift via PayPal, you can find me there at Either way, yo