Childless Not By Choice

Episode 113--Eclectic, Encouraging, Engaging!



Hello there, it’s me, Civilla! Welcome back to Childless not by Choice, where my mission is to recognize and speak to childless not by choice women and men around the world. So, here’s the thing: I am in search of new music. I’ve been thinking of writing something myself, or just search for something to buy. Not sure yet, but for now, no music on the intro or outro. I guess you are witnessing a transformation right here on the platform huh? Wherever the music comes from, I will know it when I hear it.  Well, welcome to episode 113!    ‘eclectic, encouraging, engaging!'   We have a lot to talk about today, so let’s get started!    Today’s show is about:     How are you doing wherever you are on your journey? Units Bullhorn The 10 silly things people say when you lose a loved one...and the things that could be said. In a different place now after losing my mother.   Remember to go to Apple podcast to rate and review this podcast. Patreon Contributors: I would also like to thank my Patreon contribu