In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL143: The Rarely Asked, But Often Pondered Question: What’s the Correct Handshake Etiquette for Girls?



On this week’s episode, I respond to a listener question about handshake etiquette for girls. I don’t think there is a “right” or “wrong,” but I do think there is a “best.” There are a couple of schools of thought here: One is the old-school “debutant” school of thought: Women go to college to find a husband. Everything a woman does should be geared toward a wife and homemaker. I don’t know if there is anything more important than that, but there are definitely other things that may be equally important. With the way our world works today, I don’t think a woman shaking hands should offend anyone. For the most part, professional women shake hands. What looks really strange, though, is when a woman doesn’t know what to do. I’ve taught my boys that there are many people who will not expect a handshake from them because of their age. I see many surprised (and delighted) faces when by boys reach their hands out and say, “nice to meet you” to adults. To a huge degree, how you treat your wife or husband will cr