In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL046 : Andy Weighs in on Listener Questions and Feedback



After listening to the Father’s Day podcast a reader responded with an idea she does with her children: She writes letters to her kids each year that will be given to them at a later date. It’s a way of adding value to children before they are aware of anything being done. Knowing that they will go through tough times in the future, having a way to say, "I love you and I have always loved you," can have a lasting impact.   Another listener question: What makes you (Andy) most satisfied in life? Personally, knowing that he's done what he can that day and that God is proud of him.  That he provided for his family and added value to them. Professionally, creating value for other people through writing & speaking.  Hearing how what he's done has impacted others gives him satisfaction.   Reading The Perfect Moment: His intention with writing the eBook was to help people become aware of those moments in life that all too often slip past us.   After the Father’s Day podcast, a listener wrote in with a pers