In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL042 : Why We Are All in Sales



Pierce Marrs, the voiceover for In the Loop, is the guest on this week’s podcast. Pierce is a big part of what has made this podcast successful.   Pierce met Dan Miller (who has also been a guest on the podcast) about four years ago. He met A.T. through Dan. ·      Pierce is the person who first introduced A.T. to Andy’s books. ·      He told A.T. he had to get The Traveler’s Gift.   Pierce has been pretty much on his own since the age of 16 when his parents divorced. ·      Throughout his life, he has encountered “Jones”-like mentors who taught him to make good decisions. ·      Pierce has spent the last few years teaching people sales techniques and how to serve people. ·      He thinks serving people is becoming a lost art in our country. ·      Most people miss the idea that service is the key to success and leadership. It seems like a contradiction to most, but it’s not. ·      We are all in sales, regardless of our profession. We are all trying to get people to buy into something.   Sometimes our worst