Birthing Of Giants With Lewis Schiff

Birthing of Giants with Lewis Schiff #1: Bob Eisiminger Shares How He Killed Inefficiency and Outdated Policies at His Company



Welcome to the first Birthing of Giants podcast with Lewis Schiff, executive director of the Birthing of Giants Fellowship program. Each episode of the podcast features an interview with leaders from innovative companies to reveal the most important lessons learned during their ascent to the top. First up is Bob Eisiminger, CEO of Knight Point Systems (a government contractor of IT services).  When Bob Eisiminger attended the Birthing of Giants Fellowship in April of this year, his company was preparing for some major changes. “I’ve always been one to think that you have to sharpen the saw when you’re chopping down a tree,” says Bob. “The only way you sharpen it is to step away from the tree and go do that.” For more, listen to the podcast!  For more information on the Birthing of Giants Fellowship program, click here to visit the program's website.