Recapture Self

#88 A Journey of Self-Worth and Discovery with Phyllis Myers



I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I’d like life to look like when this is all over. Admittedly, this pandemic seems to shine a light in the places we’ve been ignoring far too long. It’s uncomfortable and it makes me question my confidence.  Who am I? What do I value? How do I want to show up for myself and my family? Where do I concentrate my time and energy and resources right now? What is fair to expect of myself right now? A few weeks ago, we wrapped up teaching our first Teentography kids virtual class and we're starting teaching another one this week. With the help of these kids, I find the answers to those questions coming into clarity. I’ve learned from these kids, who are picking up a camera and sharing their hearts with me, how to lean into creativity and let go of expectations These teens have breathed life into me on the days where I just couldn’t for myself. And they're helping me remember there isn't anything I need to DO or anyone I need to BE in order to claim worth and confidence. As