Recapture Self

#87 Finding Your 2nd Act Path Through Photography With Judith Richmond



Right now, life is NOT normal. Our routines and schedules are being tested big time. When I scroll through my news feed, I see stories of moms trying to make sense of the wacky, cooped-up home-life that we are all trying to navigate right now. I see mom’s trying desperately to homeschool – trying to make sense of the distance learning her school system just implemented last week. Many of us resorting to tablets just to keep our kids entertained. Our mental health and self-worth are being tested. Everything feels upside down. I want to remind you that your SELF WORTH is not linked to how good you do during a pandemic. Your SELF WORTH really isn't linked to anything at all. Know that right here, right now, you have permission to press pause. It's okay to take a breath and find your new rhythm. It's ok to do this #quarantime (quarantine time) your way. This month at Momtography we're diving deep into self-discovery, self-awareness, and feelings of worth. We urge you to lean into how YOU most want to show up. T